Monday, March 1, 2010


hey guys! so it’s been a few weeks since i’ve updated my blog, but i have a good excuse why. i downloaded wordpress mobile to my blackberry a few weeks ago and i wrote up a few blogs, but they all god deleted. how great. so everything i was going to say will be written into this blog. but to be honest, i really don’t have much to say and i don’t feel like re-writing for the third time what’s going on in my life, so i’ll just say the what comes to mind.

my aunt came down from canada and she’s visiting which is great. the last time i saw her was when my mom was in the hospital back in november and she came to visit. before then, i’d go up to canada a few times a year and stay with her, but ever since the hospital, we just stay in florida. although it’s nice to see her and all, my mom and her always drink bottles of wine every night, and they get so loud. it’s really hard to sleep when you can hear them laughing and talking through the vents. but i guess it’s worth seeing her because i love her!

in other news, my computer got a virus last weekend and i can’t figure out how to fix it, so i’ve just been using my mom’s mac and my phone to do things i want to do. the virus that attacked my laptop is one of those fake security softwares and all it does is pop up every second saying that i can’t do anything on my computer until i pay it money. what a scam. the program/virus is called xp guardian and i’ve had something like it before. the one i had in the past i easily fixed by googling the issue and doing what it told me to do, but this one is a lot more complicated. i think the only reason why i get viruses is because my friend remotely went on to my computer and deleted my norton because he said it sucked, and then he downloaded some bootleg program he got off pirate bay. the program he downloaded worked okay, until i found out that it was just a trial and it stopped working. ugh, whatever. i made an account on, which is a place where you just upload pictures of yourself everyday via webcam, and i’m going to start uploading pictures once my computer goes back to normal.

believe it or not, i’m actually reading a book on my own, called “living buddha, living christ”, by thich nhat hanh which is a book about… well i can’t even describe it, but i’m only on the 5th chapter and it’s amazing. it really puts things into perspective and helps you to live in the moment. ironically, my old catholic theology teacher recommended it to me. i’ve always been into buddhism because some of my family is into it, but lately i’ve wanted to study it more and fully understand it. also, since my mom and her boyfriend are christian, i can relate to it even more, hence the “living christ” part.

well, this is all that comes to mind right now. i’m about to go out and get my nude tan on. and a big thanks to whoever asked about my blog on formspring. it makes me really happy to know that someone actually cares about my writings. if y’all don’t mind, you guys can leave comments saying what you think of my blog and any suggestions that i could use to make it even better. i’m planning on putting more media into my future blogs such as photos and videos. maybe i’ll even switch it up and make some vlogs (video blogs) every now and then.

till next time my loves.


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