Wednesday, October 7, 2009


From the safety of the path

Orianna’s feet did stray

to walk upon unstable ground

right into the maw

of a bottomless pit of mud

the hapless goddess stumbled

with a gasp and a scream of terror

up to her waist the lovely goddess

within an instant did she sink

but as the bottoms of her breasts

so ripe, firm and luscious

began to press down onto the mud

just in the nick of time

my hand reached down and saved her

from the fate of a muddy death

so to her bed of sweet forbidden love

the lovely goddess so curvaceous

transported me later that same night

in order to thank me properly

where beneath the sheets all night long

we wrestled with each other

again and again within her womb

my seed did I plant within her fertile soil

drank my fill of the milk of her love

squirting from the cherries of her nipples

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