Monday, September 7, 2009

Levi Johnston get OUT of my life!!!


Not MORE news about Levi Johnston (Sarah Palin’s daughter’s baby daddy)!!! He is now in Vanity Fair and is rumored to be…

POSING FOR PLAYGIRL!! Gah!!  Just what I was praying (I don’t normally pray but for this I made an exception) NOT to happen!!

Funny thing is, the News Blaze (unsure of the validity of the site so I didn’t link the article here) reported Johnston probably doesn’t know that

1. Playgirl is an online magazine.

and 2. It is targeted at gay men.


In the Vanity Fair article linked above (not the full article…for that, you must buy the mag) Johnston talks about how Sarah Palin is neither the hockey mom nor the hunter she has put forth as her political persona.  What?  Sarah Palin isn’t shootin moose OR taking time out to cheer at the rink?

I’m disappointed.

He also discredits her folksy feel (I know, folksy? Gimme a break) to just being a typical money grubbin politician.

Now, again, I’m no fan of the former VP candidate of the Grand Ol Party, BUT again, I feel that Johnston has taken his media status waaay too far.  Someone on the article posted that he’s going to have to explain why he vilified his child’s grandmother and their family to the press, posed naked (I’m still praying it won’t come to pass), and constantly jumped on any media train possible to get PRESSPRESSPRESS!

I know how hard it is to make friends with your in-laws—no I am not married but I know the dynamics very very well–and it occurs to me that it is maybe, quite possibly the STUPIDEST idea of all time to go on national television and talk to the press constantly about your in-laws and expect to have a decent relationship with them…hmm…

at any point in your life!!

Jeez.  So here’s my point– he talks about Sarah Palin wanting to adopt his and Bristol Palin’s baby so that nobody knew her daughter was pregnant.  How’s that for abstinence only?

Levi is 18.  Bristol is 17.  They have a baby together.  This is why teenagers should not have children.  This is also why teenagers should be given proper lessons on birth control options (the REAL ones not this ab only policy that so clearly does not work) and access to all measures.

I do tend to hate on Levi a great deal and honestly, I should cut him a break.  Only for the fact that he is 18 and has been, partially not of his own doing, hoisted into the national spotlight.  Any 18 year old with little guidance would most definitely release tell-alls for massive amounts of money.  I’m sure I would have thought about it if for some reason the national media was interested in my family at 18 (they really should have been).

But really.  I feel sorry for the kid now.  He’s put himself in this position where he’s releasing all sorts of intimate information about the Palins (which I secretly love as I despise almost everything about Mrs. Palin, aside from her shiny shiny hair) that will never be a secret again.  His in-laws will forever begrudge him this and I cannot imagine Bristol Palin or their child will enjoy this either.

Dear lord.  They have an actual BABY!  Like, a small child.  A human, if you will.

And that baby will be raised by the Palin family, no doubt, with no father, as he will be busy stripping for online mags.

What a world.


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