Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Thanks to the wonders of Google Analytics and WordPress Stats I can learn a little about the readers who find their way to this here blog of mine.

It seems my posts about my husband’s “Nude Art Series” and motherhood have drawn a pervert into our midst.

I’ve become accustomed to people Googling “Kojii Helnwein nude” on a daily basis…BUT HELLO!

WHAT SICK, PERVERTED, EVIL *&$@!&$@%  searches for the 3rd thing on this screen shot???



I hope the cops find you.


Llyod, R&B singer formerly of the Inc had this to say of his old friend Ciara

“I don’t f**k with Hollywood b**ches and she’s like one of the chicks that’s just changed along the way with the fame and the money and all of that. I don’t really get down with her anymore on some real s**t. The truth hurts, but it will set you free. But I wish her all the best.”

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Der SPIEGEL stellt in dieser Woche fest: der Mensch ist eine Fehlkonstruktion und sei nicht für die moderne Welt geschaffen. Was ist nur aus dem SPIEGEL geworden? Einst berühmt für investigative
Recherche, knallharter Journalismus, für den der Herausgeber sogar in den Knast wanderte. Und heute sitzen gelangweilte, überbezahlte Journalisten in ihrem Palast in Hamburg und schreiben liebelose Geschichten ohne jeden Wahrheitsgehalt. Der Mensch eine Fehlkonstruktion ? Ja waren diese Flinten Journalisten den noch nicht im Essence? Sehen unsere Mädels aus wie eine Fehlkonstruktion ? In Jahrmillionen der Evolution entstanden diese wunderbaren Wesen, sozusagen als Krönung der Schöpfung und jetzt schreiben vertrottelte Redakteure so einen Mist. Also Ihr Lieben, einstige Elite der deutschen Journaille, demnächst besser recherchieren und nicht von sich auf andere schließen. Zum Glück muss Rudolf das nicht mehr mit erleben.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Famous Photographers as Sexy Teens Amateur Nude Model Photography

I’m Nigel Tomm and this is my new photo installation (Most Famous Photography by Most Popular, Interesting & Influential Portraits of Sexy Amateur Nude as People or Famous Photographers in One Person Series). Title:

Famous Photographers as Sexy Teens Amateur Nude Model Photography (2009)



Nigel Tomm’s most famous photography deals with patterns of thinking
                                                      that lead from true premises to true conclusions.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Erotische High-Key Fotografie mit Sabrina | #Foto #Nudeart #NSFW

Bei unserem zweiten Shooting habe ich mit Model Sabrina ganz auf das Thema High-Key konzentriert. Wir haben dabei versucht etwas mit Kontrasten wie schwarzen Handschuhen oder Jeans zu spielen.

Dabei sind sehr klassische Akt-Bilder aber auch eher erotische Bilder entstanden und ich habe mir zusätzlich noch etwas an das Thema Montagen gewagt. Insbesondere hat mich hier die Einbindung anderer Bilder als transparenter Hintergrund interessiert. Na ja, und für das erste mal finde ich es eigentlich sehr gelungen.

Hier einige Beispiele in einer Collage zusammen gefasst:

High-Key Akt by Magistus Fotografie 2009


Thursday, September 24, 2009

The three kinds of nude photography

Working in a photo shop, I have learned a lot about which kinds of nude photography a standard lab will print, and which type requires a more private developer.  There are three classifications, or types, of nude photography, two of which can be processed traditionally; they are natural, artistic, and pornographic.  Many people have a hard time telling the difference, so I will try to explain this for those who are still confused.

Natural nude photography is the most widely accepted type.  Professionally, this is what ends up in magazines like “National Geographic”; personally, it includes such photographs as kids in bathtubs, and we’ve even seen shots from nudist resorts.  The photographs in this category focus on the situation, of which nudity is either a natural part, or an accidental result of the situation.  There is no attention focused on the body.

Artistic nudes require more attention to detail than you find in low quality labs like Wal-Mart, and many grocery stores, but they can still be processed and printed in traditional photo labs.  These photographs do focus on the body, but it has nothing to do with erotic response.  Artistic nudes are designed to elicit an emotional response through form, lighting, and texture.

Pornographic, or erotic, photography has but one purpose, to bring on an erotic response.  This is one area of photography that cannot be printed by traditional labs; at least not during operating hours.  As long as the models are over 18, it’s not illegal, but most traditional labs are public.  Let’s face it; some things don’t belong on public display.  Photographers of pornography are looked on as bottom feeders of photography instead of artists

There are some magazines that have what is considered borderline between artistic, and pornographic.  Well-known examples are “Playboy”, which is a well-written magazine with nude pictorials, and “Sports Illustrated Swimsuit editions” with partial nudity, body painting, and semi-transparent clothing.  Some labs will print these types, and some won’t, it really depends on the feelings of the lab owner.

The human figure has always been a part of the artistic community, but knowing the difference types can greatly influence the availability of developers, and how closely you have to be involved in the process.  It also determines whether or not you’re thought of as a true artist.


On a Night Not Forgotten...Part IV

Oh yes on that still unforgotten night
all those many years ago
within the arms of my English teacher
a lovely and well endowed
jungle bunny with an hourglass figure
a bad boi she made of me
turned my world utterly upside down
with the hot chocolate
of her love oh so very wet and sweet
upon the pole of my lance
so hard and oh so throbbing she rode
up and down all night long
took me to heights of sexual pleasure
until that night quite unknown
as I lay like a restless ocean beneath
the body of my English teacher
ever so gently did my fingers play with
the orbs of her breasts so ripe
while the curves of my lips soft and full
suckled the raisins of her nipples
again and then some more as she rose
and fell throughout the night
the lips of her pussy oh so hot and wet
slid up and down my shaft
made me want to cum deep inside her

Another Blow to the LPGA

I was reading an interview with the interim commissioner of the LPGA this morning and I was surprised by one of the questions.  The interviewer asked for a comment on the posing nude of three LPGA ladies in an upcoming ESPN The Magazine issue.  This news apparently came out a couple of weeks ago but somehow I missed it.

The commissioner gave a typical answer to the question.  But I was appalled by the notion that some ladies on tour would even consider doing this photo shoot.  The LPGA has been working so hard to attract fans for the golf that these ladies play, that promoting sex is only going to be a set back.  It is hard for men not to have some lustful thoughts about some of these women.  Let’s face it, there are some absolutely gorgeous women that are now playing on the LPGA.  But the true fan will look past that fact and see the golf.  These ladies play terrific golf.  They are competitive and creative.  It is very entertaining.  The tour does not need to sell the sex to attract fans.

I was extremely disappointed when I found out who the three ladies were.  It didn’t surprise me that Cristina Kim was one of the three.  But I was a fan of Sandra Gal.  Now I need to rethink that.  I don’t want to root for someone who has so little respect for themselves and their sport.  I am not familiar with the third lady but there is nolonger a chance that I will root for her.  The ladies on the tour have been terrific role models for young women.  Their sportsmanship and their respect for their opponents while still giving their all to win is something that all kids need to be exposed to.  But now, I certainly don’t want my daughter to think that it is alright to disrobe for money.  In some ways that is a form of prostitution.  This ladies were paid to promote sex.

Fortunately, they did not pose in a magazine like Playboy.  I don’t care how tastefully done the shoot is, it is still pornography and is wrong.  Wake up people and walk away from the god called sex.  Life is so much more than sex and can be enjoyed apart from sex. 

Personally, I wish the tour would punish this behavior somehow.  They won’t because it was done for a sports magazine and not a pornographic one.  This action hurts the tour and these women should have to pay for the damage that they are causing.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Female soldiers ask for better bras

Female soldiers ask for better bras.

Swedish female soldiers are demanding the military provide them with combat-tested bras, amid complaints that the sports bras they must buy themselves unhook too easily, officials say. Unlike their male counterparts who are provided with military-issue underwear, Sweden’s 500-odd women conscripts must buy bras themselves since there are no military-issue brassieres, according to the Council of Conscripts, a union-like organisation.

“The women have had to buy sports bras instead. But they are not tested for combat situations nor for fire safety, and they are not functional. They unhook too easily,” Council spokeswoman Paulina Rehbinder said.

She criticised the military for its lack of gender equality, in a country widely considered a pioneer in the field. “This sends a signal to women. You should be able to come to your workplace and be provided with equipment that works and that is safe,” she said.

“There have been women in the Swedish military for more than 30 years but bras have never been provided by the military,” she lamented, noting however that the military gave conscripts money to buy their bras.

But things look set for a change. With between 800 and 1000 women expected to become conscripts next year, the military is now developing a bra that is undergoing testing.

“It’s supposed to be ready either later this year or next year,” Ms Rehbinder said.  Sweden has allowed women conscripts since 1980, and 4 to 5 per cent of Sweden’s armed forces are women.


É hora de acender os pés com os tons fluo

A moda está muito democrática. Assim como voce pode usar o nude nos seus pés, também pode acendê-los com muita cor, bem anos 80.

E olha que lindo esse peep toe da Miezko coral fluo que tem na Vile.

Fica lindo com tudo. Com jeans e camiseta básica ele é glamour instantâneo. Não precisa mais nada.

Scarpin coral fluo peep toe Miezko

Agora uma sugestão para um look festa. Com vestido em tom neutro (para não dizer nude de novo…) ele acende o visual. Pra quebrar um pouco o estilo romantico do vestido, uma pulseira bem rock’n roll e carteira com print animal.

Scarpin Miezko coral fluo

O que acharam? Deem sua opinião, sua sugestão. Vale também deixar sua dúvida. Lembrando que esse sapato lindo está lá na Vile esperando por você.

Confira também nossas modelos de sandálias plataforma, meia-pata e anabelas em cores coloridas, bem oitentinha.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

On a Night Not Forgotten...Part II

On that night not to be forgotten
the jungle bunny
who was my former H.S. teacher
took me to heights
of sexual pleasure quite unknown
the curves of my face
she buried within the sweet valley
of her luscious cleavage
that lay between the bosomy hills
of the sun ripened orbs
that are the melons of her breasts
while the scent of
her sexual arousal tickled my nose
the smell of her skin
made me nearly as hard as a rock
to the curves of my lips
my now former high school teacher
pressed the stiffening
raisins of the tips of her mammilla
which she bade me
to suck like a babe within her arms
as both of my hands
ever so slowly slid down the curve
of her backside
over the luscious curves of her hips

Monday, September 21, 2009

A confession: drunken notes on eggs (NSFW)

A confession: I often talk to myself and make little notes if I’ve been drinking and am now winding down the night alone. Sometimes I do this with pen and paper, which is always fun, as in the morning I woke up and I had on my nightstand next to me a note on the back of a receipt, which said merely two words: “METRIC HOUR.”

Not my most genius moment, I suspect.

Anyway, I found the following file saved on my computer last night. I had apparently written it Saturday night, when I had done some soul-cleansing and rebaptized myself in the name of Pacifico (for which I paid dearly through the first half of Sunday). I guess I must have been thinking about eggs. I cleaned up the typos, and here is what I think of eggs when I’ve been drinking:

egg–>head with your brain inside–>this recurrent shape and system of structure constistently holds true even at atomic level–>seen not just in biology but also in manmade objects like a lightbulb and its filament–>evolution favors certain shapes which recur all throughout nature and even in our infantile attempts to create artifacts in our lives which we call technology we still mimic these consistent symbols all around us of our own creation (?) and evolution, these insistent reminders of the favored shapes and paradigms

qualities of eggshellness cross applied

the protectiveness of it, the containment, like being a baby in a stomach, weird.
but so illusory
only purpose is to keep safe the object within
the way you can stick your thumb through one
the way they are so fragile, it is the only word, fragile

not sure i can eat them anymore

is it a paradigm, is there a better way? like if cars had not come from the paradigm of horse and buggy, we’d have better designed where the engine is commonly found and solved the bug of rear end collision/fire so that with this one concern addressed there would be propulsion and auto travel would be more rapid and efficient? we still say horsepower because of the power of this paradigm, it grips us so anciently, Jungian and atavistic and engrammed

remember the manicurist and the dentist, the quadripedal machines which predated the chiefly handheld (besides cars which also date from this older and first era of design where people walked and ran and kicked more) tech devices which dominate the present landscape, sewing machines are of course another example!!! need to think about this.

The sad part is I actually know what most of that meant. In fact, that last paragraph is something I’ve been kicking around awhile and will eventually write about. I hope you’re thrilled to be in on the ground level of this.

Oh, and just in case you were thinking that my opinions are all well and good but there’s nothing about breasts or anything particularly cute and oldtimey in this entry, why is that?, here:
Need: met!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

O nude é a cor da estação mais quente do ano

O nude está com tudo nesta temporada. Fazia tempo que uma cor não aparecia tão forte numa temporada. Destaque nas coleções de Cris Barros, Filhas de Gaia, Reinaldo Lourenço e Huis Clos, o nude lembra os tons mais próximos da pele e pode ter várias tonalidades, como salmão, rosados, amarelados, beges e gelo.

Esqueça a história de dizer “essa cor não me valoriza” ou “ estou toda da mesma cor…” . Isso que é cool, dar a impressão de que não se está usando roupa nenhuma, o que confere um ar sexy ao visual.

Apesar de básico, o tom pode ganhar sofisticação com acessórios e maquiagem adequados. O segredo será a combinação de cores que fará. Por ser um tom neutro, é preciso tomar cuidado para não deixar a produção sem graça.

Algumas dicas:

- A mistura de neutros torna o visual bastante elegante. Mas, se quiser quebrar um pouco a monocromia, deixando o ar mais moderno, use acessórios coloridos, como casquetes, brincos, colares,  cintos, sapatos e bolsas. Esses elementos iluminam a produção.

- Nude com estampas faz com que o look não pareça “monótono”, e com cores claras, pastéis ou cítricas pode ficar bastante sofisticado.

- Na maquiagem, o batom nude veio com força, dando um ar mais natural a produção, mas não favorece todo mundo. Para um visual mais verão, coloque um batom de cor quente e ficará mais sensual.

Angelina Jolie no Red Carpet e Looks Filhas de Gaia, à venda na Galpão de Estilo

"I Wanna Know..." Debuts on iTunes

Mariah Carey’s second single from “Memoirs” has officially debuted on iTunes this week.  The Foreigner’s remake of “I Wanna Know What Love Is” currently sits at #27 after just one day. (As of Wed. Sept. 16, 2009)

The single is getting rave reviews from everyone from BET (”a classy re-working… a perfect follow-up to launch Memoirs..“), to Entertainment Weekly (”Mariah + Gospel Choir + ‘I Want to Know What Love Is’ = Ecstasy“).

Be sure to download you copy now at iTunes and don’t forget, Memoir’s of an Imperfect Angel comes out September 29th!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Meus Nudes Rosadinhos Favoritos

Olá garotas!!!!

Hoje vim falar sobre meus nudes rosadinhos. Eu adoro eles pois parece que estou com a s mãos mais limpinhas e delicadas. Super chic também, é tipo a maquiagem prática e rápida.

Dividi em dois grupos de nudes rosados: os mais escuros e os mais clarinhos:

mindinho: sexy nude – colorama única camada- eu acho ele o meio-termo entre o rosa antigo da colorama e o nude, só que com os brilhos do magia. Muito lindo, um clássico pra quem gosta de nude  e é rapido pra passar e secar.

anelar:  rosa antigo- colorama: rosa lindooo, mais escuro que o nude da colorama. Eele é chic e com uma camada ficam cobertas as unhas por completo, mas eu passei duas por costume. Uma graça de esmalte, combina com tudo.

médio:rosa floral da colorama: acho que muitas de vocês conhecem ele, ele é parecido com o nude que era rosadinho que a Céu da favorita usava…(se bem que eu nunca reparei…ainda mais que eu quase nunca assitia a novela). Duas camadas

indicador: goiaba da avon…que dizer desse esmalte….ele puxa mais pro marrom, tem gente q diz que ele lembra o rosa antigo da impala mas não achei…acho que varia com o tom da pele. Duas camadas.

indicador: magia da colorama…esmalte da Maya. Passei 3 camadas…eu gosto de usar ele com o nude ou até mesmo com o rosa antigo da colorama. Ele é lindo! Tem uns brilhinhos dourados fofos d+ (fica a dicade passar ele com o boneca por baixo, fica bem Maya). Usei tres camadas.

médio: nude da colorama, meu queridinho!!!! Usei MUITOOOOOOOO ele, meu  favorito, fiz uma misturinha até pra chegar na cor dele, pq eu num achava ele aqui. Ele é rosadinho, discreto e chic! Usem e abusem. Eu usei 3 camadas por pura frescura…. duas já tá bom.

anelar: canela da colorama nutri verniz…ele foi escolhido pelo meu namorado. Quando eu comprei, eu achava que ele era puxado pro marrom, engano meu, é rosadissimo, mto fofo, 3 camadas também, pra aparecer bem a cor.

mindinho: rosa antigo da impala…. ele é parecido com o canela e o nude só que mais escurinho. Lindo! Não usei ele, mas logo usarei. Usei 3 camadas por frescura também.

Espero que gostem logo eu volto com mais esmaltes. Qual deles vocês gostaram mais?


Monday, September 14, 2009

fight ippatsu juuden-chan special episodes promo [ecchi]

Credits to RoFL

Dedicated to Kazzy

Well, after I watched the final episode of Juuden-chan – the first thing that comes into my mind is, where the hell is the onsen scenes for this ecchi anime? Mostly ecchi anime that I’ve already went through will have at least a hot spring scene, if not – they will feature a public bath scene instead (according to my theory). There is a lot of bath scenes in Juuden-chan but for an anime that has already reached this kind of ecchiness, it will be incomplete without the onsen part. I was asking myself whether they will be a second season, an ova, a movie or DVD specials for this anime as there is a really shady character that until now havent been introduced properly yet. You all should notice, other than Sento-san – there is another male character that is visible in the Juuden-chan’ world, still hiding in the dark somewhere out there.

As for their onsen scenes, I’ll bet they will be featured as an OVA or whatever – and I hit it right. I just got a promo of their special episode and below are caps of them. Slurpy as usual. Enjoy

Saturday, September 12, 2009

SEXY STYLE: Model Conny with new Fashion Photo at MyFashionShow

MyFashionShow proudly presents

Model Conny

Conny is a fashion model from Basel, Switzerland, specializing in portrait, fashion, glamour, swimwear, hair/make-up, parts modeling, lingerie, erotic/fetish, fine art nude, nude and body painting.

Über Model Conny

Conny ist ein Model par excellence. Sie ist zuverlässig, experimentierfreudig, mit Leidenschaft dabei und für die gesamte Breite der künstlerischen Fotografie zu buchen (mehr als 70 Referenzen). Besonderes Interesse besteht an Shootings mit Themen wie Sport-/Luxuswagen, Motorrad, Schiff/Yacht, Bar, Werkstatt, Penthouse/Villa, Burg/Schloss, Wasser und Ketten. Conny ist dabei für folgende Bereiche buchbar: Beauty/Glamour, Fashion, Portrait, Dessous, Bademode, Teil-/klassischer Akt, Erotik, Low-Key und Bodypainting.

Name: Conny

Wohnort: Basel, Schweiz

Körpergröße: 165 cm

Maße: 92-67-92

Einsatzbereiche: Portrait, Fashion, Bademode, Dessous, Teilakt, Klassischer Akt,

Fetisch, Bodypainting, Foto- und Videoaufnahmen

Mehr von Model Conny
  • Weitere Fashion-Shows
  • Homepage von Conny
  • Sedcard bei Model-Kartei
  • Sedcard bei fotocommunity
  • Schicke eine E-Mail an Conny


Friday, September 11, 2009

Maia Campbell **GETS EXPOSED**

Thanks to Twitter… Marlon Wayan’s Tweet to be precise i come across this mad exposhure of Maia Campbell…

You will all know her from Tyrese’s Sweet lady video…looking all innocent…

She also got cort slippin singing to one of Ashanti’s songs… which u can catch on

In the words of Marlon Wayans


You know I think a lot of shit is funnny. I’ve laughed at some sark shit. But this maia campbell video is not funny. Its sad. Pray 4 her.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

SEXY STYLE: Model Nancy with new Fashion Photo at MyFashionShow

MyFashionShow proudly presents

Model Nancy

Nancy is a fashion model from Oldendorf, Germany, specializing in portrait, fashion, glamour, sports, swimwear, hair/make-up, parts modeling, art, lingerie, fine art nude, nude, pin-up, body painting and retro/vintage.

Über Model Nancy

Nancy ist ein sehr sportliches Model und aktive Fußballerin. Sie ist deutschlandweit für Indoor und Outdoor buchbar und hat in 2008 über 30 Shootings absolviert.

Name: Nancy

Wohnort: Oldendorf

Körpergröße: 160 cm

Maße: 80-67-80

Einsatzbereiche: Glamour, Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle, Werbung, Beachwear, Girl/Girl- und Boy/Girl-Shootings, Modelsharing

Mehr von Model Nancy
  • Weitere Fashion Shows
  • Homepage
  • Sedcard bei Model-Kartei
  • Schicke eine E-Mail an Nancy


No Megan Fox Sex Tape or Nude Scenes Anytime Soon


No Megan Fox Sex Tape or Nude Scenes Anytime Soon.No Megan Fox Sex Tape or Nude Scenes Anytime Soon.No Megan Fox Sex Tape or Nude Scenes Anytime Soon.No Megan Fox Sex Tape or Nude Scenes Anytime Soon.Here are some extra large shots of Megan rolling around in various states of undress, being all private, from her Esquire shoot from earlier this year.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Roupas que não deveriam existir (parte 3)

Para vocês não pensarem que eu só gongo brasileira (mesmo porque temos famosas que se vestem super bem!), a escolhida da semana que vestiu uma roupinha bizarra é a simpática Sandra Bullock:

Então que ela escolheu um vestido tomara que caia com a cor do top nude (ok),de um lado um tecido roxo formando um babadinho (it`s not ok) e do outro uns drapejados em tecido vermelho, de só um lado do busto e o mesmo pano passa pela cintura e pendura do lado do corpo, ficando mais longo que a saia… (ok, tá terrível!!!)

O estilista quis fazer um detalhe aqui, outro ali e ficou essa lambança que nem o mais belo corpinho consegue salvar…

E essa ankle boot que parece botinha do Chico Bento com salto, não rolou…

E ela nem colocou uns acessórios para disfraçar o desastre do vestido…

Alguma de vocês gostou/usaria o modelito?


SHAWNE MERRIMAN AND TILA TEQUILA: NFL Player Arrested, Accused Of Choking Reality Star

Tequila, 27, signed a citizen’s arrest warrant, charging Merriman with battery and false imprisonment, San Diego County Sheriff’s Lt. Gary Steadman said.

Both are felonies.

Deputies responded about 3:45 a.m. to Merriman’s house in Poway, north of San Diego, after a woman called to say she was choked by the player and thrown to the ground when she tried to leave, Sheriff’s Department spokesman Jan Caldwell said at a news conference.

Merriman’s attorney, Todd Macaluso, disputed Tequila’s story and said he’s confident Merriman won’t be charged by the District Attorney’s Office.

“There was absolutely no wrongdoing on the part of Mr. Merriman,” Macaluso told The Associated Press by phone. “He essentially was doing what was appropriate under the circumstances in trying to protect the safety of Miss Tequila. There were numerous eyewitnesses that will support his version of the events that transpired at his home.”

Merriman, 25, was taken into custody and booked into the central jail at about 8:30 a.m. He was released shortly after 11 a.m.

Merriman didn’t return two e-mails seeking comment. His agent, Tom Condon, said he hadn’t heard about the arrest when contacted by The Associated Press.

There had been considerable Twitter chatter between Tequila and Merriman during the last two months. She tweeted several times about going to the Chargers’ game Friday night and a party she held afterward at a downtown club, including:

_ “Im the Head Cheerleader Prom Queen and (at)shawnemerriman is the Prom King! hahaha! LETS GOOO! LIGHTS OUT! SAN DIEGO I WILL SEE U TOMORROW!”

Merriman was the 12th overall pick out of Maryland in the 2005 draft, and had 39 1/2 sacks in his first three seasons. The three-time Pro Bowl selection has been getting back into shape after missing nearly all of last season following knee surgery.

The Chargers, picked by some as Super Bowl favorites, open the regular season a week from Monday night at Oakland. Players had been off since after Friday night’s exhibition finale against San Francisco. They are due back at practice on Monday.

“It’s disappointing to hear about the issue involving Shawne Merriman,” Chargers general manager A.J. Smith said in statement. “We’ll continue to monitor the situation and let the legal process run its course.”

Smith didn’t return a call seeking further comment.

Smith often speaks of signing “character” players, yet the Chargers have had their share of embarrassing off-field problems in recent seasons.



Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Naturiste Recent Files - Page 78

Recent Posts
  • Naturist Girls Simple Images
  • Nude in Nature by the Lake
  • Let’s Fuck in Nature, Honey!
  • Real Babe Spreads & Sucks
  • Simple Babe Bathroom Pose
  • Real Girl Fucked by Big Dick
  • Lovely Young Natural Peach
  • Blonde Slut Pissing Samples
  • Young Sluts Outdoor Pissing
  • Real Teenage Belinda Posing
  • Cute Teen Stocking Girl Pics
  • Young Blonde Smooth Pussy
  • Cute Young Nudist Girls Pcs
  • Naked Couple Beach Photos
  • Teenage Babe Posing Home


Monday, September 7, 2009

Tok de cara nova

Reabriu ontem a loja Tok do Iguatemi de Porto Alegre.  A entrada da loja está maior, as áreas de exposição  das roupas e acessórios estão mais amplas e temos uma segunda vitrine interna, com um fundo rosa. A loja segue um pouco do conceito nude com cores, do post anterior: a madeira usada é clarinha, o branco predomina nos móveis e a cor rosa dá o toque especial que tem tudo a ver com a cara da loja: feminina, alegre e querida.  O novo conceito foi criado por nós e ficamos muito orgulhosas com o resultado!

Se for passear no Iguatemi, não deixe de ver ao vivo a cores este projeto!


Levi Johnston get OUT of my life!!!


Not MORE news about Levi Johnston (Sarah Palin’s daughter’s baby daddy)!!! He is now in Vanity Fair and is rumored to be…

POSING FOR PLAYGIRL!! Gah!!  Just what I was praying (I don’t normally pray but for this I made an exception) NOT to happen!!

Funny thing is, the News Blaze (unsure of the validity of the site so I didn’t link the article here) reported Johnston probably doesn’t know that

1. Playgirl is an online magazine.

and 2. It is targeted at gay men.


In the Vanity Fair article linked above (not the full article…for that, you must buy the mag) Johnston talks about how Sarah Palin is neither the hockey mom nor the hunter she has put forth as her political persona.  What?  Sarah Palin isn’t shootin moose OR taking time out to cheer at the rink?

I’m disappointed.

He also discredits her folksy feel (I know, folksy? Gimme a break) to just being a typical money grubbin politician.

Now, again, I’m no fan of the former VP candidate of the Grand Ol Party, BUT again, I feel that Johnston has taken his media status waaay too far.  Someone on the article posted that he’s going to have to explain why he vilified his child’s grandmother and their family to the press, posed naked (I’m still praying it won’t come to pass), and constantly jumped on any media train possible to get PRESSPRESSPRESS!

I know how hard it is to make friends with your in-laws—no I am not married but I know the dynamics very very well–and it occurs to me that it is maybe, quite possibly the STUPIDEST idea of all time to go on national television and talk to the press constantly about your in-laws and expect to have a decent relationship with them…hmm…

at any point in your life!!

Jeez.  So here’s my point– he talks about Sarah Palin wanting to adopt his and Bristol Palin’s baby so that nobody knew her daughter was pregnant.  How’s that for abstinence only?

Levi is 18.  Bristol is 17.  They have a baby together.  This is why teenagers should not have children.  This is also why teenagers should be given proper lessons on birth control options (the REAL ones not this ab only policy that so clearly does not work) and access to all measures.

I do tend to hate on Levi a great deal and honestly, I should cut him a break.  Only for the fact that he is 18 and has been, partially not of his own doing, hoisted into the national spotlight.  Any 18 year old with little guidance would most definitely release tell-alls for massive amounts of money.  I’m sure I would have thought about it if for some reason the national media was interested in my family at 18 (they really should have been).

But really.  I feel sorry for the kid now.  He’s put himself in this position where he’s releasing all sorts of intimate information about the Palins (which I secretly love as I despise almost everything about Mrs. Palin, aside from her shiny shiny hair) that will never be a secret again.  His in-laws will forever begrudge him this and I cannot imagine Bristol Palin or their child will enjoy this either.

Dear lord.  They have an actual BABY!  Like, a small child.  A human, if you will.

And that baby will be raised by the Palin family, no doubt, with no father, as he will be busy stripping for online mags.

What a world.
